United Nations Development Programme

UNDP Global Environmental Facility (GEF)/Small Grants Programme (SGP)-Ghana

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How big are the SGP grants?

The SGP gives grant of not more than US$ 50,000 per project . The average grant size isUS$ 27,500.

If my NGO has received a grant once, am I eligible for a second grant?

There are hundreds of NGOs and CBOs in Ghana that apply for our funding. It is most unlikely that an NGO will get a second grant within a few years. The only exception is if your project was a shining example that needs to be replicated or expanded. Very success pilot projects will also be recommended for medium size GEF funding.

Does the GEF/SGP have a funding cycle?

The National steering committee approves new projects every year. it is recommended that applicants send proposals throughout the year. The National Steering Committee sits to look at submitted proposals every three or four months.

Does the SGP fund Community based CBOs that have never received funding before?

First time CBOs will most likely be given funds through an older experienced NGO. The experienced NGO receives and accounts for the funds but mentors the CBO to implement the project.

Why does the SGP insist on global benefits for its funded projects?

Cognizant of the interconnectedness of the environmental problems globally, the GEF is a fund that seeks to benefit more than the local community or country where the projects are done.

What are global benefits?

Global benefits are easy to demonstrate in the Mitigation of Global Climate Change and International Waters thematic areas of the SGP, but less so in the Biodiversity Conservation one. A biodiversity Conservation project will have global benefits if it:
· Conserves (1)rare, (2) threatened, (3)endemic species or ecosystems that these species are found in
· Conserves nationally recognized biodiversity hotspots
· Conserves biodiversity in internationally recognized sites like Ramsar, World Heritage , or Biosphere sites
· Conserves biodiversity that exists in international water masses or habitats that harbour inter-country or inter-continental migratory species

Does the SGP in Ghana fund livelihood issues that affect the poorest of the poor?

The SGP seeks to fund projects that show global benefits in the thematic areas stipulated by the GEF. This ensures a harmonized approach with all countries that subscribe to the GEF system. However, the SGP can look for co-funds from outside the GEF system to address the livelihood issues for the communities in its projects. For example the SGP is funding grass cutter rearing, bee-keeping, Snail & crab farming.


Global GEF and Global SGP
GEF Operational Programmes
Thematic Areas
Project Overview current projects
Climate Change
Project Tracking System
Geographic Information System
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Environmental NGOs
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Eligibility for Grants/Application
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Copyright © United Nations Development Programme-Ghana/GEF-SGP, 2004. All rights reserved.