United Nations Development Programme
UNDP Global Environmental Facility (GEF)/Small Grants Programme (SGP)-Ghana

Level of Achievement
Performance rating
Conservation of threatened or endangered Biodiversity    • Areas (reserves, parks, other) under effective participatory management • 200,000 ha of traditionally protected areas surveyed, demarcated and protected.Satisfactory
 • Participatory management plans implemented  • 20 management plans, community landuse plan and local agreements signed to protect community forests and savannah resources.

• Community dedicated reserves under effective management

 Change in management wildlife and forest protected areas • 10 community resource management areas (CREMAs) being created to protect wildlife and forest resource
 • Regeneration of vegetative cover • Over 30,000 ha of buffer zones created around scared groves
 • Change in area under compatible land use  • 25,000 ha of community woodlots and plantations established.
 • Degraded areas rehabilitated and by communities
 Reduction of threats to Climate Change  • Adoption rate of renewable energy  • 5 solar light demonstrations established in the northern regionSatisfactory
 • Biogas tested and proven as alternative energy in Tamale
• Proportion of population using efficient energy devices• Efficient cost-effective woodstoves manufactured and introduced to commercial, industrial and institutions in the northern regions
• Number of Institutions collaborating to research into alternative energies.• Sustainable model for the production and management of woodfuels piloted for adoption in collaboration with TCC
 • Sustainable management and control of bushfires piloted in the Afram Plains
• Awareness of bushfire control in communities• Studies into sustainable urban transportation system conducted and a model proposed to reduce volume of traffic in the urban areas.
Reduction of pollution into International WatersNumber of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in coastal, wetland, mangrove, estuarine, marine and freshwater ecosystems• 2 Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plans to reverse the trend of mangrove over-exploitation and degradation of wetlands introduced in Volta and Western RegionsSatisfactory
• 2 Traditional norms and authority used to designate biologically active wetlands as protected/conservation areas and develop community-based livelihood alternatives to relieve pressure on wetlands and their biodiversity.
• Creation of community-based livelihood alternatives that rehabilitate population of endemic species in these areas introduced in the Volta Region
• Development of community-based initiatives that will reduce the threats of water hyacinth in the trans-boundary Tano River
• Crab and lobster farming introduced in the Volta region
Contaminant-based ProgrammeNumber of people aware on the dangers of POPs.• Initiatives to eliminate the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) nutrients and certain metals in vegetable production being piloted in greater AccraPartially Satisfactory
• Public awareness and education on reduction of agricultural run-off in the form of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. And reduction of industrial waste dumping by promoting reuse and recycling being promoted.
Land Degradation and Desertification control• Number of integrated land and water resource management projects in priority areas• Eight (8) integrated land and water management projects implemented. satisfactory
• Ha of degraded land under rehabilitation.
Persistent Organic Pollutants• Policy and regulatory framework on POPs• Two projects ongoing satisfactory
• Number of people aware on the dangers of POPs.












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